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Automate a Welcome SMS

Use our workflow automations to send new contacts a text to welcome their business

Written by Shelby Glynn
Updated over 3 months ago

The goal in this automation setup is to automatically send an SMS when a contact is created in your CloudTalk contacts list.

User Level:

  • Admin

Setting up Workflow automation

Before starting, please make sure:


  • Send automated welcome SMS when a contact is created in CloudTalk contacts list.


  1. Before creating the Workflow, you’ll need to generate a unique set of API keys for later use. From the Dashboard, go to Account > Settings and click on the API Keys header. If needed, generate a new pair of API keys by clicking the + Add API Keybutton. Be sure to copy and paste these values into a secure document or store them safely for use later in the process

  2. From Account -> Workflow Automations on the Dashboard, click the blue button to + Add Workflow.

  3. Name the Workflow something descriptive.

  4. The first step of any Workflow is selecting the Trigger. If the desired automation should occur when a contact is created, the ideal trigger is to set the trigger object as Contact and select Created as the Trigger action. This setup ensures that the automation is triggered whenever a new contact is added.

  5. Conditions are optional in this use case. If no further filtering is needed, you can skip the condition configuration. However, if your automation requires additional filtering, you can learn more about how to set up conditions by reading our Conditions article.

  6. The next step is to choose the action that will occur when the conditions are met. Click +Add Action and select the SMS action type.

  7. Once the SMS action is selected, you will see several sets of Key - Format - Value inputs within the Values section of the configuration. These sets indicate the necessary configuration for the SMS automation to work. The Key input in each set is prepopulated and cannot be changed. You will use the Value section of these sets to configure the welcome SMS message to be sent. It is not recommended to manipulate the Format configuration.

  8. IIn the set with the Key "recipient," configure the number to which the welcome SMS should be sent. This should be the end customer's number, found in the Useful Data for your Workflow table under the contact_numbers tag. Click into the Value input, then select the property from the "Useful Data for your Workflows" section. A dynamic reference will be added to the Value input.

  9. Since the reference includes the entire list of contact numbers, add [0] to the end to use only the first number in the list.

  10. In the set with the Key "sender," you need to configure the number from which the SMS should be sent. Keep in mind that the number selected here must be capable of sending SMS messages, which may not apply to all numbers in your account. Enter the international format of the SMS-capable number into the Value input.

  11. In the set with the Key "text," configure the content of the welcome SMS. You can use dynamic references within the message text to create a more personalized experience for the user.

  12. The final step is to configure the authorization for the SMS action. Enter the API credentials (retrieved in Step 1) into the sets with the Keys "api_key_id" and "api_key_secret". Replace the placeholder values in the Value fields, ensuring that no extra spaces or characters are added.

  13. Click Confirm and continue to finish the action step configuration.

  14. Click Save to finish the workflow configuration.

  15. To activate your Welcome SMS automation, enable your workflow by switching the toggle next to the workflow name to the On position.


  • CloudTalk does not support sending SMS messages to short or short code phone numbers.

  • Make sure the number used for SMS sendout is SMS-capable.

  • Ensure there is enough credit in your account for SMS sendout.

  • Verify that numbers are in international format.

  • The SMS Action type sends requests to our API endpoint, so typical API rate limits apply. The maximum is 60 requests per minute. Note that this limit applies to all API requests, so simultaneous requests will count toward this limit.

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