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Real Time Report

The Real Time report within Analytics provides a comprehensive view of active and queued calls happening in real time.

Written by Shelby Glynn
Updated over a month ago

Learn how to navigate our Analytics Real Time report.

User Level:

  • Admin

  • Analyst

  • Supervisor

  • Authorized Agent

Analysis in Real Time

The goal of the Real Time report is to provide an overview of agent and group activity as it occurs. Filter options are limited in this report type, since the report is designed to focus on data within the time scope of:

  • Today

  • This hour

  • Last hour

  • Last 6 hours

Users authorized to oversee multiple groups can also filter for the groups they want to see data for.

Stat Cards

Stat cards are not clickable within this report type. Statistics only apply for calls actively in progress or in queue within the limited time scope.

Card Name

What it is

Total calls

A tally of all incoming or outgoing calls within time range

Waiting queue

The number of inbound callers currently waiting to be answered

Answered calls (inbound)

A tally of inbound calls answered by an agent, which took place within the time range

Missed calls (inbound)

A tally of inbound calls that were missed for any reason within the time range

Outbound calls answered

A tally of outbound calls answered by the called contact or lead, which took place within the time range

Inbound calls

The sum of Answered calls (inbound) and Missed calls (inbound) for the given time range

Avg. waiting time

A time to represent the average time an inbound caller would have spent waiting in the queue to be answered or transferred

(Total Waiting time of all callers ÷ number of inbound callers within time range)

Max. waiting time

The maximum time an inbound caller spent waiting in the queue to be answered or transferred

Agents online

Number of agents currently with an Online status

Service level

The percentage of calls answered within the target time threshold.

Abandon Rate

The percentage of callers who hang up or disconnect before reaching an agent or receiving service.

Total Abandoned Calls

The total number of calls that were abandoned before being answered.

Avg. and Max. waiting time cards include calls that were abandoned. The time shown does not include time spent in IVR.

The Agents online card counts any agent with an Online status. On Call statuses (for when the agent is actively in a call) and Idle statuses are NOT counted.

Agent Status

The Agent Status table is where you can see available agents, agent status types, status names or custom inputs for Idle statuses, and the time since a status was changed. Agents given access to the Real Time report can use this table to check the availability of other team members before changing their own status. Supervisors also benefit from gaining an overview of team capacity and agent productivity throughout the workday.

For Idle statuses, the status name appears in a blurb within the Status Type column. Both custom entries and default selections will be displayed.

By selecting a column header, you can sort this table in ascending or descending order by:

  • Agent name (alphabetical)

  • Groups

  • Status Type availability—Online statuses float to the top, Offline float to the bottom

  • Time in status

  • Last Call Time

  • Number of Calls

Group Status

The Group Report provides a real-time overview of group-level performance, allowing supervisors to assess team productivity at a glance. This report includes:

The Group Report is essential for tracking call center performance at the team level. It helps supervisors quickly identify underperforming groups, monitor call flow, and optimize staffing to improve efficiency.

Active Calls

Select Active Calls in the table header to switch to this table view. Active Calls displays the call queue as it happens in real time. For both outbound and inbound calls, you can see:

  • Caller Name—This is the contact. This may be the caller (inbound calls) or callee (outbound).

  • Group —This shows the group when the call is answered or made via a group.

  • Agent

  • Duration—This includes ringing time for outbound calls and waiting time for inbound calls, in addition to talk time.

  • Talk Time

Calls in Queue

Select Calls in Queue in the table header to switch to this table view. Calls in Queue shows inbound calls currently waiting to be answered. As soon as a call is answered, it will move out of this table and into the Active Calls table.

You will be able to see the same call data as in the Active Calls table, with the exception that Time In Queue replaces the Talk Time column. Time in Queue tracks time from the moment the call is made until the moment it starts ringing. The value seen here changes to Ringing when the call has reached the front of a queue and is ringing on the group or agent.

If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support team, we are always happy to help!

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