A floating license is like having a physical dongle but in a virtual way. With a floating license, more than one different user can run Coach Paint on more than one computer but not simultaneously.
The floating license works by activating and deactivating one of the user's licenses so the other ones can connect. When you activate your license, you are just activating it for a period of time and you can choose how much time you want to extend your floating license. The maximum time that you can extend your individual license is the date when your group license expires (the date when you need to extend your contract with us).
From the license updater, you can activate or deactivate your user like this:
Remember more than one user can not connect at the same time, as an example, let's suppose that you are in a floating license with one colleague and you are currently activated but your teammate needs to also open Coach Paint on his machine; in order to let him connect, you will need to deactivate your license from the License Updater, so he can connect just after that. If you don't deactivate your license, your colleague won't be able to activate his, as just one of you can work at the same time.
The same way around, if you need to use the software but your colleague is activated, you may need to ask him to deactivate his license so that you can connect yours.