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Introducing Coach Paint 9.6 🚀
Introducing Coach Paint 9.6 🚀

Find out everything about our newest release!

Federico Castro avatar
Written by Federico Castro
Updated over 2 years ago

Coach Paint 9.6 has just been released and in this article, we want to show you every new feature that we have built for you!

2D and 3D Icons

In Coach Paint 9.6 is even clearer which tools are 2D or 3D as we have implemented a tooltip that will let you know which one is the tool's nature.

Tools that are only 3D require Pitch Calibration and their size changes depending on which part of the field they are placed in, as they adapt to perspective. The will now show a white cube icon :

Tools that are only 2D are screen-fixed tools that don't adapt to perspective and their size doesn't change depending on which part of the field they are placed in. 2D tools do not have any tooltip icon:

We also have some tools that can work both ways: if the field has a valid Pitch Calibration they will work as 3D tools but if it's not, they just will keep their size constant. The tools that can work both as 2D and 3D have a grey cube tooltip.

Pitch Calibration needed - Reminder Message

In order to use 3D effects you need to calibrate the pitch first. We know this wasn't clear previously, so we introduced a reminder message that will appear every time that you want to place a 3D effect and the pitch is not calibrated. In this message, it will also be possible to directly open the pitch calibration, so you can calibrate the pitch straight away.

Cut Out Tool Improvements

We heard your feedback about the last Cut Out tool changes and that's why we decided to make some new improvements to the tool.

Cut Out a player live

With Coach Paint 9.6, you can cut out a player live, without the need to add a pause to your video. Just pause the video, click on the scissors, select the player and move him. This is ideal if you are using the software presenting live:

Note: With this workflow, you won't be able to keyframe the player. If you wish to keyframe the player that is cut out, you need to place a pause in your video first.

Add a Pause automatically

With the AutoPauseEnabled property, you won't need to place a pause before using the Cut Out tool anymore, as Coach Paint will do it for you. Find a video below showing how you can activate this property and how it works:

Edit tools' Properties in bulk

Edit more than one tool at the same time by holding Command (or Control), selecting the tools you want to edit, right-clicking on one of the tools, and opening the properties. You will be able to change some useful properties like Size, Perspective, Color, and more!

If you want to update Coach Paint to the latest 9.6 version, please make sure to read the following Article "How to Install Coach Paint?"

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