Step 1: Start ChyronHego License Updater
Ensure you have ChyronHego License Updater version 2.22 or above installed.
Open the ChyronHego License Updater on the machine that holds the license:
Step 2: Generate Offline Request
Click on the "File" button and select "Generate Offline Request."
Save the generated license request file (.hlr) to a known location on your computer.
Step 3: Upload the License Request File
Login into the "Download Area" and head to the "Offline Update" tab:
Upload the previously saved license request file (.hlr).
Step 4: Generate License Update File
After uploading the .hlr file, press the "Generate" button.
A new license update file (.hlu) will be created. Save this file to your computer.
Step 6: Apply Offline Update
Open the ChyronHego License Updater tool again.
From the "File" menu, choose "Apply Offline Update."
Browse and select the newest saved update file (*.hlu).
Step 7: Confirm License Update
A dialog box displaying your license details will appear.
Press the [Yes] button to confirm the license update.
Your ChyronHego license should now be updated. If you encounter any issues during this process, contact their customer service for further assistance.