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Drop Basics

Guide to Drop basics

Updated over 2 months ago

Cobrand has 4 drop templates you can modify as needed. Each has distinct properties, but for the most part they share the same required fields and optional settings. This page will review those shared fields, using the General Signup template as the reference point.

For a review of the unique properties in each template, check out these other dedicated pages:

General Signup

This is the template we use for your example drop, which we make once you build an Artist Profile. Profile. Here are some use cases for the General Signup template:

  • Build a fan-list - send out Artist updates like newsletters or milestone events

  • Create a RSVP - pop-up shows and limited-attendance events like guestlist

  • Promote an event - raise awareness about a show or upcoming music release

  • Share an active link - promote merchandise

These are only a couple examples. As a rule of thumb, the best Drops are ones that provide fans some type of unique value in exchange for their engagement!

Required Information

In all Drop types, you need to configure a Drop Title and Drop Description. If possible, keep it short and sweet. Emojis encouraged.

Next, pick the stub for the URL for the drop, which appears right after the one you already set in your Artist Profile.

For Sign Up Methods, you can choose a combination of Email and/or SMS. Email-only Drops do not incur additional charges. Outgoing and incoming SMS incur charges per message based on where the fan is located. For a full list of supported regions and prices, consult the list embedded in the Drops section. But here is a summary of common markets, expressed in US dollars:

  • US and Canada $0.01

  • Mexico $0.14

  • Brazil $0.08

  • Argentina $0.12

  • Colombia $0.07

  • UK $0.06

  • EU Markets $0.10 - $0.15

  • Australia $0.07

Post Sign Up Message

This is the message fans receive immediately after they sign-up. These messages can include links, emojis, or can be a simple acknowledgement that the sign-up was a success.

Couple things to note about this field!

This field is used for both outgoing SMS and Email communication. Since SMS messages cap at 160 characters, you must keep your email message short or accept that your SMS will split into multiple texts. If you have a short email in mind, this is no problem. Here is an example of what the default email will look like.

If you want your email to have extra content, we recommend using an Email Template instead. This will also give you the chance to add additional branding, customization, and points of interest. Email templates have no additional charge and you can re-use them later on by clicking Manage Templates > Template Editor.

Don't forget to fill out the primary field, which will still define your post-sign up SMS message, when applicable.

Styling and Design

On all Drop templates, you have the option to add a custom image for the artist and pick the color scheme. You can also add a custom background, which can be a nice touch if you have new assets.

At the bottom of this section, you can enable a count-down ticker and set which social platform you want to appear as the primary option. Please note, currently it is not possible to make social platform identification mandatory.

Additional Tools

Spotify & Apple Music Pre-Save

This features allows fans to opt-in to automatic downloads of all future Artist releases on either Spotify or Apple Music. Fans who sync their Spotify also consent to share their listening history. This data can help you identify top listeners from your 1P fans in Cobrand.

Besides enabling the toggle below, there are no additional steps. Cobrand will add all upcoming tracks, so no need to input an ISRC.

Here are the details on the fan experience when this is on: once they click the RSVP or Sign-Up button, they are re-directed based on the platform they chose. They will be prompted to accept the Terms & Conditions of the respective platform, and complete an externally-hosted authentication flow. When the new song(s) come out, they appear in Liked Songs right away.

Scheduled Message

When fans sign up they always receive a post-sign up message. If you want to queue an additional message, you can do it here. To queue more than one message, you can do so at the Artist Profile level after you create the Drop. Navigate back to the main page, click Messages > New Messages.

Click New Message, navigate to bottom, and select Custom Segments for your Message Targeting. From here, you can select the Drop you want to schedule the message for.

Comment Drop

For simplicity we recommend using the Instagram DM template when you want to run comment-to-DM interaction flows. However you can activate it in combination with any template. Please note: to use this feature you require access to the Artist's Instagram Direct Message inbox.

When Comment Drops are enabled, Cobrand will send a Direct Message to fans when they comment a specific phrase or emoji on any Artist post in their account. The phrase is case-insensitive, and fans simply need to include it in their comment i.e. it does not need to be only that word, or that emoji. So try to make it conspicuous!

After commenting the phrase, fans will immediately receive two messages from the Artist's account. First, the post-sign up DM and second, a link to the drop itself.

To turn this off, click into the drop and simply disable the toggle when you are ready. It will take effect within 10 minutes.

Tracking Pixels

In all template types, you can add analytics tracking to collect when users view, shaer and RSVP to the Drop. See below for instructions on where to find these IDs on each respective platform.

Facebook Pixel ID

  • From your Meta Ads manager, click “Advertising Settings” in the left panel > Under “Creating Ads” select the “Datasets and pixels” option > Locate the dataset ID highlighted in the image below and copy the ID.

Facebook Pixel Screenshot

TikTok Pixel ID

  • From your TikTok Ad account dashboard > navigate to "Tools" and select ”Events” > Click ”Manage” under “Website Events” > ​Locate the pixel ID in the image below and copy the ID. Click here for more information.

TikTok Pixel Screenshot

Google Analytics UA

From your Google Ads Manager dashboard, copy and paste the highlighted container ID in the image below:

Google Analytics UA Screenshot

Post Signup Redirect URL

When enabled, this will direct the fan after they complete the sign-up. If you also have Pre-Save enabled, the re-direct will happen after they finish the authentication flow.

Additional Legal Information

Use this to add additional terms of service or privacy policies to the Drop. You can write them out as text or add a link. When adding a link, enclose the link text in square brackets, followed immediately by the link in parentheses.

  • [Link text](website link)

These terms appear in a second paragraph beneath the standard Cobrand terms (which are not editable).

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