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Set up and Explain the Global Bundle
Set up and Explain the Global Bundle

Tips & Setting up Global Bundles --- Sticky Add To Cart Booster Pro

Written by Escalations
Updated over a week ago

Step 1. Navigate to the Cart Slider Widget

Step 2. Scroll until you see the Global Bundles then enable

Step 3. Select the Bundle recommendation needed

In Our cart slider widget, we have our in-cart upsell and we control this upsell by selecting bundles. Each bundle displays differently based on the algorithm or the structure. When Multiple bundles are enabled, it follows this Priority of recommendation:

  1. Custom Bundles (Pair X to Y)

  1. Smart recommendations

  1. Global recommendations

  1. Same collection

  1. Same product type

  1. Same vendor

  1. Random products

Custom Bundles (Pair X to Y):

  • Explanation: Custom bundles are highly personalized and prioritize specific product pairs that are complementary. For instance, pairing a phone with a compatible case.

  • Tips: Ensure that the bundled products are well-tailored to customer preferences and consider bundling related or frequently purchased items together for added value.

Smart Recommendations (Based on Previous Purchase Orders):

  • Explanation: Smart recommendations leverage the customer's purchase history and behavior to suggest products they are likely to be interested in, increasing the chances of a successful upsell.

  • Tips:

  • Consider factors such as purchase frequency, recency, and customer preferences to make the recommendations as personalized as possible.

  • Provide clear explanations for why a product is recommended, such as "Based on your previous orders."

Global Recommendations (Based on Tagging of Specific Products):

  • Explanation: Global recommendations are based on manual tagging or categorization of products, allowing you to promote specific items regardless of individual customer behavior.

  • Tips:

  • Use global recommendations for promoting seasonal or trending items, bestsellers, or special promotions.

Same Collection:

  • Explanation: This recommendation suggests products within the same collection, which often share a theme or purpose. For example, showcasing different shoe styles from the same brand's summer collection.

  • Tips: Organize your products into logical collections and the algorithm will highlight cross-selling opportunities within these collections.

Same Product Type:

  • Explanation: Recommending products of the same type, like different laptop models, can help customers find alternatives or upgrades that suit their needs.

  • Tips: Make sure to categorize products accurately and offer clear comparisons to help customers make informed choices.

Same Vendor:

  • Explanation: Suggesting products from the same vendor can increase upsell potential by promoting items that are compatible in terms of brand or manufacturer.

  • Tips: Collaborate closely with vendors to ensure product data is up-to-date and work on cross-promotion strategies to maximize the benefits of this recommendation.

Random Products:

  • Explanation: When other recommendations don't apply, random products offer variety and can spark interest, helping customers discover new products.

  • Tips: Implement this sparingly and strategically, using it as a fallback option when other algorithms can't provide relevant suggestions.

By following these guidelines for each recommendation, you can enhance your in-cart upsell strategy and provide customers with a more personalized and appealing shopping experience.

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