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Favorites and Recent Menus
Updated over 4 months ago

Favorites Menu

The Favorites Menu provides you with a place to keep your favorite folders for quick and easy access.

You can activate the favorites menu using the following methods:

  • Click on the first toolbar icon in the Info Panel displayed above the file dialog.

  • Double-click with the left mouse button in an empty space within Explorer or file dialogs.

  • Click the middle mouse button in file dialogs and supported file managers.

  • Click the Direct Folders icon in the system tray.

  • Press the default hotkey: Win + /.

Selecting a folder from the Favorites menu will switch the file dialog to that folder.

Commands at the bottom of the Favorites menu:

  • Add here...: This command will allow you to add the current folder or a new subfolder to the list of favorite folders.

  • Commands: Shows Commands submenu.

In some cases, the favorites menu includes the Folders and Files submenus with items from the recent menu.

Recent Menu

The Recent menu displays a list of folders that you've recently used. This includes folders that you have visited in file dialogs. Selecting a folder from the menu takes you back to it.

The recent items are divided into global and per-application lists. Select the 'Enable tracking' command to enable tracking of recent folders for the current application.

Open folders

If there are open file managers (Explorer, Directory Opus, Total Commander, etc), the path of its active window will be added to the recent menu.

Path in Clipboard

If Windows Clipboard contains a file or path, it will be displayed in this menu item with a clipboard icon.

Current application submenu

  • Set default folder: This command allows you to choose a default folder for this application:

    • Last used folder: Direct Folders will automatically switch file dialog to the current application's last used folder.

    • Specified folder: This option sets the current folder as the default folder for this application.

  • Clear application history: This command removes all recent folders from this list.

Commands Menu

Includes the following commands:

  • Drives: This command displays a list of drives with free space available.

  • Command prompt: This command opens a command prompt window with the current folder as the working directory.

  • Show hidden files: This command toggles the display of hidden files in the current folder.

  • Show file name extensions: This command toggles the display of file extensions in the current folder.

  • Configure: This command displays the Direct Folders configuration dialog.

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