Codio will work with your bookstore to ensure that students on financial aid who need to buy licenses through the bookstore can do so. To get the process started, you can send this article or the attached BookstoreInstructions.pdf file to your bookstore manager.
If you are a Follett bookstore, we are an approved Follett vendor.
Check enrollment to determine how many and what type of Codio licenses you would like to order.ย
There are 3 durations of Codio licenses: 1-Semester, 2-Semester and 1-Year.
Most bookstores only order 1-Semester licenses.
Send a Purchase Order (P.O.) to
Receive an email with:
a printable pdf (see example below CodioAcessCode.pdf) to give to students that has 1 access code per page with directions that guide students how to use the code
a CSV file listing access codes for digital delivery of access codes.
Sell each access code once. Codes are not course-specific.
Note: A student only needs one access code for Codio, regardless of how many courses they are enrolled in that use Codio.
Pay for the access codes you sold. Keep any access codes you did not sell. They never expire and are not course-specific so they can be sold the following semester.
Repeat steps each semester (taking in to account number of previously unsold codes when deciding quantity).
If you are not a Follett bookstore, please contact our support team at
If a student comes to the bookstore concerned that their access code did not work, please direct them to Codio support.