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Quickstart Guide for Integrating Cody with Slack

Written by Om Kamath
Updated over a year ago
  1. Add the Cody Bot to your Slack workspace by navigating to your Cody Settings > Integrations and clicking on Install Slack.

  2. Obtain the API Key from Cody Settings > API Keys by clicking on Create API Key.

  3. In your Slack workspace, search for your Cody App and set the API Key in the Home section. The Cody Token can be set by the workspace administrators only.

  4. Go to any channel in your workspace and use the /assign-bot command to assign a bot from your Cody account to that channel. Cody won't be able to respond in direct messages and works on slack channels only.

    Assigning bot
  5. To ask questions to your bot, simply type @Cody followed by your question. Cody will create a new thread in the channel to reply to your question. All the messages in that thread will be considered Chat History. If you want to start a new conversation, exit the thread and mention @Cody again.

    Asking question to Cody
Expanded thread

Change your bots @mention

To change your bot's @mention name, go to the App Configuration section in Slack. Scroll down to 'Bot User' and enter the desired name in this field.

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