In order to access the Advanced Mode for building bots, you will need to first select the bot personality and update the bot. Once the bot has been updated, click on the 3 dots nexts to the bot description and edit the bot.
Scroll down to access the advanced mode by clicking on 'Switch to Advanced Mode'.
If you find that your bot isn't responding as effectively as you'd like, even after ensuring everything has been set up correctly, consider these tips to optimize performance:
1. Optimise the Personality Prompt
Be Concise: Aim for a brief, direct personality prompt. While it's tempting to provide a lot of guidance, simplicity can sometimes be more effective.
Choose Words Carefully: When instructing the bot, the choice of words can make a difference. Instead of using "Don't", consider alternatives such as "Avoid" or "Skip" for a stronger impact on negative instructions.
2. Optimise the System Prompt:
Understand its Impact: The system prompt significantly influences the bot's responses. Tailoring it correctly can help achieve desired outcomes.
Avoid Overloading Instructions: Adding too many instructions, especially negative ones, can restrict the bot. This might lead to less elaborate or less relevant responses. Strike a balance to ensure clarity without limiting the bot's capabilities.
3. Review Your Knowledge Base
Understand Citations: At the end of each response, the bot may provide citations from its knowledge base. Review these to understand the sources of its information.
Verify File Accessibility: If the bot appears to struggle with accessing a certain file, ensure the file format is compatible. You can preview the file directly in the knowledge base to confirm its readability.
4. Adjust the Relevance Score
If you suspect the bot is having issues accessing specific content from the knowledge base:
Widen the Scope: Try setting the relevance score to 'Wide'. This increases the range of content the bot considers.
Find a Middle Ground: If 'Wide' provides too broad of responses, the 'Balanced' setting might be an ideal middle ground to ensure both relevance and breadth.