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Custom Project Forms in COMPASS

The Custom Project Forms feature in COMPASS allows users to create tailored forms to collect specific project-related information from subcontractors.

Written by Maya
Updated over 2 months ago

This feature is located under Settings > Custom Project Forms. Custom forms can include conditional logic, various field types, and allow file uploads for sharing information with subcontractors.

Accessing Custom Project Forms

1. Navigate to Settings from the COMPASS main menu.

2. In the sidebar, select Custom Project Forms under Subcontractor Settings.

3. Here, you will see a list of previously created forms, including their status (e.g., Draft), Active Version, Project Type, Requests, and Last Updated dates.

Creating a New Custom Project Form

1. Click the “Create New Form” button in the upper right-hand corner.

2. Fill in the following details:

Form Name: Enter a descriptive title for your form.

Project Type: Select the relevant project category (e.g., Civil, Government).

Form Description: Provide a brief explanation of the form’s purpose.

File Upload (optional): You can attach a file (up to 2GB) to share with subcontractors.

3. Click “Save and Start Building Form” to proceed to the form editor.

Using the Form Editor

The form editor allows you to customize your project form with a variety of fields and conditional logic.

Static Elements: Add headings and descriptions using Static Text.

Field Types: Add fields based on your data collection needs:

Date Time: Add a date selector.

Dropdown: Create a list of selectable options.

Checkbox: Allow multiple selections.

Paragraph: Include long-form text fields.

Short Answer: Single-line text input.

Attachment: Allow subcontractors to upload documents.

Number: Numerical inputs.

Radio: Create single-choice options.

Adding Conditional Logic

1. Use the ”+ Add Conditional Logic” button to configure logic based on field values.

• Example: If a subcontractor answers “Yes” to a question, additional fields will appear for further details.

Saving and Publishing

• Save your form regularly to avoid losing progress.

• Once finalized, click the “Publish” button in the top right corner.

Managing Custom Forms

From the Custom Project Forms list view, you can:

Edit Form Content: Modify existing fields or settings.

Edit Details: Update the form name, description, or project type.

Delete Form: Remove unwanted forms.

Publish Form: Finalize and distribute the form to subcontractors.

Uploading and Sharing Files

When creating or editing a custom form:

1. Use the Attach a file section to upload files.

2. Files (up to 2GB) will be shared with subcontractors when they access the form.

Example: Government Project Addendum

A sample form, such as the “Government Project Addendum”, could include:

• A Yes/No question: “Have you ever worked on a government project?”

• Conditional follow-up fields if “Yes”:

• Number of government projects completed.

• Value of the largest government project.

• A list of the three largest government projects.


Custom Project Forms in COMPASS provide a flexible, user-friendly way to gather detailed subcontractor information and share files seamlessly. For further questions or technical assistance, reach out to your COMPASS Client Success Lead.

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