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Class Markbook and Analytics

A quick explainer on how to use the Class Markbook and Analytics on Complete Maths.

Written by Oumie Camara
Updated over a year ago

What is the Class Markbook?

The Class Markbook allows you to view a pupils' results over multiple tests, and shows a class level analysis of topics & objectives that have been covered so far. While Analytics collects all that results data and provides you information on how the class is performing against strands of mathematics, a summary of top performers and those who are struggling and further details of recent quizzes and tests.

To access the Class Markbook:

1) Access the markbook via the ‘Classes’ tab on the navigation bar at the top of the page. Once on the classes page you should click on the class whose markbook you would like to view.

2) A second way you can access is the class markbook is via the Assessments page by clicking 'View Class Markbook' next to the relevant class, or once you are viewing the results from a specific test, by clicking 'Back to class markbook' in the top left.

3) The markbook displays a list of pupils in that class with all the tests and quizzes they have been set, displayed in chronological order.

4) A pupils average result is displayed on the left hand side of the page next to their name. The average result is calculated using complete tests, so tests still ‘in progress’ are not included.

5) To change the order of the results, either according to pupils names, their average results, or the results on a specific test, click on the arrows at the top of the relevant column.

Both results and analytics can be viewed using different metrics. To change the metric you are viewing, select a different metric from the drop-down menu in the top right. You can read more about the default Complete Maths metric, MathsAge, here


To view the in depth information the results of a single test, just click on the test title at the top of the column.

To view the class level analysis, you can click on the Analytics toggle at the top of the page at any time. 

 The Analytics page shows you:

  • The average MathsAge for the class, as well as the breakdown by strands of Maths.

  • The top 5 and bottom 5 attainers, so that you can see who may need additional support, or stretch.

  • Suggested Areas for Improvement, which shows a list of objectives that have been covered in test or quiz questions, and sorts them based on priority for revision. 

  • Breakdown by Scheme of Work, which shows how the class is progressing through their Scheme of Work topics.

All of these are based on pupils' answers to quiz and test questions, all of which are linked to specific objectives.

Any questions about the analytics? No problem!

You can get in contact with our Customer Success Team via email at:

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