If a pupil has accidentally finished an assessment early, or you just wish for them to have another go, you can 'Undo Complete' the completed assessment, whether it was finished by the pupil or you had clicked 'force complete'. You can only 'undo complete' un-timed assessments, without test conditions enabled.
This will make the assessment available again on the pupils account, to pick up where they left off and, please note, will overwrite the previous submission.
To do this:
1) Go to the particular Assessment Results Markbook, either via the Assessment page or the Class Markbook page.
2) Click 'Edit' to the top-right of the table
3) Click 'Undo Complete' next to the pupil who you wish to reopen the assessment for.
Timed Assessment Note: At the moment, the 'Undo Complete' button can also be clicked for timed assessment submissions, however, if the original time has already elapsed, then the submission will be automatically sent through again as soon as it is opened by the pupil.