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Moving Pupils Between Classes

You can move pupils from one class to a new one, or add pupils to an additional class.

Joshua George avatar
Written by Joshua George
Updated over a week ago

It's easy to change which classes your pupils are in.

• Click on your name in the platform menu bar and either select School Settings and then click on Manage Pupils (for School Admin users), or just click Manage Pupils (for everyone else)

• Make sure you're in the appropriate Academic Year in the top-right box

By default, in the Manage Pupils table you will see all pupils currently assigned to a class in the academic year. If you are looking for a pupil who is not yet in a class, then click the 'x' on the 'Only Assigned Pupils' filter.

• Select as many pupils as you wish to move into a new class using the checkboxes.

• Click 'Add to Class' in the table header

• In the pop-out modal select which Class you want to add these pupils to

• Select whether with this class addition you want these pupils to be removed from all current classes/a particular current class, or remain in all current classes.

• Click 'Add'

The Manage Pupils table will now be updated, but if not, a quick refresh of the page should do the trick.

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