Pupils have the option of working through diagnostic-assigned courses, as well as enrolling themselves on a course - but teachers also have the ability to assign courses to individual pupils, classes or year groups.
How to enrol an individual pupil to a course:
1) Navigate to the 'Pupils' page.
2) Click the three dots located by the pupils 'activity.'
3) Select 'Enrol on Course.'
4) Once you have access to the dropdown menu, either scroll to the course you wish to assign or type the name of the course you wish to assign to find it. Once you have found the correct course, select it and click 'Next.'
5) You will be asked to confirm your course selection. If you wish to select a different course, click 'Back.' If everything looks correct to you, click 'Confirm' and the course will appear next to your pupils name!pil's name.
How to enrol multiple pupils to a course:
1) Navigate to the 'Pupils' page.
2) Use the checkbox on the left hand side of the screen to select the relevant students. You can also use tags if you've assigned them to easily differentiate between pupils.
3) A small black dialogue box will appear on the bottom of your screen. Click 'Enrol.'
4) Once you have access to the dropdown menu, either scroll to the course you wish to assign or type the name of the course you wish to assign to find it. Once you have found the correct course, select it and click 'Next.'
5) You will be asked to confirm your course selection. If you wish to select a different course, click 'Back.' If everything looks correct to you, click 'Confirm' and the course will be enrolled to all your selected students.
Unenrolling pupils from a course:
Unenrolling students is a very similar process to the steps above for both single and multiple pupils. The only difference being, you would click 'Unenrol' instead of 'Enrol.'
1) Once you have clicked 'Unenrol' - you can select the courses the pupil is currently enrolled on, that you wish to unenrol the pupil from.
2) Once you have selected the appropriate courses that you want to unenrol from a student or group of students, click 'Next.'
3) You will be asked to confirm if the correct courses have been selected, if so, click 'Confirm' and the courses will disappear from the appropriate pupils.
Can you select all students instead of clicking them all individually?
Yes! If you click the checklist button in the top left, you will automatically select all your students. Allowing you to enrol courses or unenrol courses from every student in one go.
βCan you select only specific tagged pupils?
Yes! You can click the 'Tags' dropdown menu in the top right of the screen. Once that menu is open, you can select the specific tags you wish to be visible. So for example, if you only wanted your "Class B4" students to be visible, you can select that tag and only your "Class B4" students will appear.
Can I find students based off the courses they are currently enrolled on?
Yes! Similar to how you can distinguish pupils by tags using the steps above, you can do the same with the courses they're assigned to by using the 'Courses' drop down menu in the top right of the screen.
Have you still got any questions about courses? Not to worry!
You can get in contact with our Customer Success Team via email at: