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TUTOR: Memory Boost

Everything you need to know about Memory Boost on TUTOR - helping pupils retain key maths concepts with spaced repetition practice

Written by Oumie Camara
Updated over 2 years ago

What is Memory Boost?

Memory Boost on TUTOR is a daily retrieval practice quiz, bespoke to every individual pupil, consisting of five questions from the TUTOR question bank.

Questions are drawn from Goals that pupils have completed 1 day, 2 days, 6 days, 30 days and 90 days ago. This spaced repetition pattern is well known to improve long-term memory.

By drawing the questions from the pupil’s own pattern of work, every pupil has a quiz specifically aimed at improving their own memory.

When do pupils unlock the Memory Boost feature?

Pupils unlock the Memory Boost feature once they have completed 5 Goals on TUTOR (the first Memory Boost quiz is available the day after the 5th goal is completed).

Note: It is important that pupils continue completing Goals alongside completing their daily Memory Boost. More on that in the 'How do we get the most out of Memory Boost?' section below!

How do pupils use Memory Boost?

Once unlocked, a pupil can complete their Memory Boost quiz once per day, with the quiz resetting overnight.

To complete their Memory Boost quiz, pupils:

  1. Click on the 'Memory Boost' button on the TUTOR dashboard to navigate to the Memory Boost page.

  2. On the Memory Boost page, click on 'Start Quiz' to begin today's quiz

  3. Complete the 5 questions of the Memory Boost quiz

Completing and reviewing a Memory Boost quiz on TUTOR

What happens when a Memory Boost quiz is complete?

When a pupil completes their Memory Boost quiz for the day, the Results Breakdown section populates to show the Goals that were covered in the day's Memory Boost quiz, indicating which Goals pupils might want to:

  • Revisit — Goals for which the pupil answered a question incorrectly

  • Explore — Goals for which the pupil answered a question correctly.

Following these actions allow pupils to watch Instructional Videos & Example Walkthroughs, as well as answering as many questions as they want on that specific Goal with the 'Quiz Me' feature.

Any Goal answered incorrectly on a Memory Boost quiz is put at the top of the pile for the next day's quiz, so the pupil has the opportunity to immediately implement their freshly topped-up knowledge!

Completion and Review of Memory Boost

How do Memory Boost streaks work?

When a pupil completes their Memory Boost quiz for the day, their Memory Boost streak information is updated, including: today's completion status, their current streak, and — when appropriate — their longest streak too!

A streak is reset when a pupil does not complete their Memory Boost quiz on a day.
E.g. If a pupil has completed their Memory Boost on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday they have a Current Streak of 3. if they do not complete it on Thursday, then their Current Streak is reset to 0.

Note that a broken streak does not impact the Memory Boost's availability for pupils. No Goal content is skipped by the Memory Boost as a result of missing a day.

Can Teachers track their pupils use of Memory Boost?

Yes, teachers can review their pupils Memory Boost activity on the 'Memory Boost' mode on the Pupils table on their TUTOR app.

In the Memory Boost table, teachers can see for each pupil:

  • Total Memory Boost days completed

  • Average score on Memory Boost quizzes

  • Current Memory Boost Streak

  • Longest Memory Boost Streak

A teacher reviewing their pupil's Memory Boost activity on TUTOR

How do we get the most out of Memory Boost?

As the Memory Boost is based on Goals pupils have completed, it is important that pupils continue to learn and complete new Goals. For the Memory Boost spaced repetition to be optimised, we would recommend that a pupil with typical usage should complete around 1 new Goal per day.

If pupils do not continue completing new Goals, then Memory Boost might not have sufficient Goals at the ideal spacing intervals to draw from, so will instead need to draw from other completed Goals in their 'waiting' phase in order to provide the pupil with their day's Boost to continue their streak.

When a Goal has passed its final repetition (at 90 days), it remains selectable to the Memory Boost if there aren't sufficient Goals at the ideal spacing intervals. This is to insure that once the Memory Boost is unlocked, it is not locked again due to a pupils successful knowledge retrieval.

Have any further questions?

We are really excited about the impact of Memory Boost on pupil's long term implementation of their mathematics learning. If you have any further questions about how it works, please do get in touch with our team and we will be happy to chat.

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