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TUTOR: free access code

How to create child and parent accounts with a free access code

Written by Oumie Camara
Updated over a year ago

If you have been given a free access code, or token, to TUTOR, the video below walks through the steps to create your child and parent account. Below the video is a text description of the same steps.

Step 1

Go to the TUTOR website:

Step 2

Click on the ‘Register for free’ button at the top of the page

Step 3

Select Pupil and click Next

Step 4

Enter the free access token that you have been given - it is case sensitive

Step 5

Enter your child’s details and create a username and password, and click Create Account

Step 6

Press Open App in the TUTOR box on the left.

Your child’s account with TUTOR is now live.

Step 7

The ‘parent’ account. So that you can observe your child’s progress and celebrate in their successes, you need to create a parent account.

Scroll down to the ‘My Memberships’ section at the bottom of your child’s homepage. Note down their ‘My Unique Token’ code. Then logout of your child’s account.

Step 8

After logging out of your child’s account. Select Create one.

Step 9

Select Parent and click Next

Step 10

Complete the account registration process.

Step 11

Confirm your family’s name and press That’s It.

Step 12

Add the first name of your child and press Confirm 1 Child.

Step 13

You are now on your parent account homepage. Select Manage Subscription.

Step 14

Toggle the account type to Link Existing Account

Step 15

Enter your child’s unique token code from Step 7 and press Continue With Selections.

Step 16

Select ‘School Sponsored £0 p/m’ from the dropdown list under Plan. And press Review.

Step 17

Review the information and press Confirm Subscription.

Your child and parent accounts are now both live.

Where to begin

We recommend that all children start with our powerful Diagnostic assessment. TUTOR uses the results from this to assign each child a personalised tuition course. Making sure that each child begins at the right level for them, helping to build their confidence from day one.

You can easily check-in on your child’s progress via the Parent Dashboard to help encourage and motivate your child to continue making strong progress in their learning journey. Login to your parent account and select ‘View Dashboard’ on your homepage.

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