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Diagnostics & Focus 5

Working through the TUTOR Diagnostics and Focus 5 recommended goals

Written by Oumie Camara
Updated over a year ago

The brain behind Diagnostics on TUTOR has been upgraded! It now identifies knowledge gaps and starting points with greater precision, and provides more bespoke learning pathway recommendations for every pupil.

For new pupils using TUTOR

New pupils will be taken directly into the diagnostic process when they log in to TUTOR for the first time. In this way pupils begin their TUTOR learning journey with an active mathematical recommendation. TUTOR introduces itself, in the form of a chat, and takes the pupils through the steps of the diagnostics.

For existing pupils using TUTOR

Existing pupils will find a new block on their TUTOR Dashboard, which will allow them to open up the new TUTOR Diagnostics process. Courses that were assigned to pupils through the old Diagnostics will still be active, however they also now have access to Focus 5.

Whether you are a new pupil or existing pupil, Diagnostics & Focus 5 work in the same way!

Completing the Diagnostics

  1. When logged in to the dashboard as a pupil, select 'Start Diagnostic' at the top of the dashboard

  2. Pupils are taken to a walkthrough to get them started. The first step is to select their age

  3. Select 'Start Practice Round'

  4. Pupils answer diagnostic questions by clicking the 'thumbs up' if they know the solution, or 'thumbs down' if they do not. Pupils receive two practice questions, and are required to provide the full answer for one of them.

  5. Once the Practice round is complete, Select 'Play For Real'

  6. Work through the questions answering with the same 'thumbs up'/ 'thumbs down' options if the answer is known or not. After each round of questions, select 'Bring On The Next Round' to move onto the next round

  7. Once TUTOR knows enough about a pupil's gaps and attainment levels, they will be prompted to 'Start Learning'

  8. The Focus 5 is now live on the Pupil TUTOR Dashboard!

Accessing Focus 5 Goals

  1. To begin the first Focus 5 goal, click 'Start' on the Goal card

  2. Pupils can now work through their Focus 5 goals, with the platform recommending the next goal once the previous has been completed. Click on the cards, or use the dots below the cards to navigate between goals.

  3. Once all goals in a Focus 5 set have been completed, pupils can continue their bespoke learning path by generating the next set, clicking 'Get Your Next 5 Goals'.

To Complete Goal Steps

Whenever you are learning new content, we would always recommend completing all of the Goals steps, to gain a deeper understanding: — My Goal, Readiness, Learn, Do, Quiz, and Remember.

To complete these steps:

  • My Goal: Review the goal summary content

  • Readiness: Verify your knowledge on the prerequisite goals by: having completed the goal already, taking a Readiness quiz aiming for 100%, fixing any flagged goals

  • Learn: Watch the full Learn video (you can pause and resume later if you need to)

  • Do: Watch all of the available Do videos

  • Quiz: Achieve over 80% in the Goal Quiz

  • Remember: Achieve over 80% in the Remember Quiz, and answer all questions from the current goal correctly

Note: Once a step is complete, you will see the step 'ticked' in the Goal progress display (see below - where the My Goal, Readiness, and Learn steps are complete)

To Complete a Goal

To complete a Goal, you can either:

  1. Complete the Learn step, the Do step, and the Quiz step of that Goal


  2. Achieve 100% on the Quiz step of that Goal


Can pupils stop part way through the new diagnostics and resume where they left off?

  • Yes, they can use the ‘Do this later’ button to skip through to the Dashboard. From there, they will be able to resume the Diagnostics using the Diagnostics block.

Can pupils reset and redo the diagnostics once they have completed it?

  • Yes, Diagnostics can be reset and redone once they have been completed, or even whilst they are part way completed.

What has happened to the old diagnostics, and diagnostic course recommendations?

  • All of this is still live and available to pupils, only now under the new name ‘Course Finder’. Courses that were assigned to pupils will still be assigned, with all progress retained. Pupils can even still use the ‘Course Finder’ (old diagnostic) tool to get Course recommendations if desired.

Now there is Focus 5, what about all assigned Courses?

  • All assigned courses are still active, and available just beneath Focus 5 on the pupil’s dashboard. New courses can be assigned by pupils, teachers, or the Course Finder tool.

What are Focus 5 Goals like for pupils?

  • Goals accessed via Focus 5 are the exact same as Goals in Courses. They contain the same steps including Readiness, Learn, Do, Quiz, and are completed in the same way. Any goals completed in F5 Courses, will also become completed in appropriate Courses.

You can find further FAQ answers and Implementation advice available in this blog post by our Maths team.

Have you still got any questions about Focus 5? Not to worry!

You can get in contact with our Customer Success Team via email, at:

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