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Adding Beneficial Owners to a Filing

This is a help article to provide a step by step guide to fix any issues & add any required data for the Beneficial Owner Report.

Adam Cook avatar
Written by Adam Cook
Updated over 3 months ago
    1. Provide your email in the page above, and we will email you a code to login with

  1. Click on "Filings" on the left hand navigation (Top blue arrow below)

  2. Locate your Beneficial Ownership Filing in the main screen

  3. Click "Complete Filing" button (Bottom blue arrow below)

  4. This page will show you all of the information we have for this filing

    • Please review and make sure the information is still correct

    • Please correct anything that is missing

  5. Please add all of the company's Beneficial Owners (Green Arrow). A Beneficial Owner is any individual who directly or indirectly:

    • Exercises substantial control over the company

    • Owns or controls at least 25% or more of the company

  6. Once you have completed review & adding information, please click the "Submit for Processing" button (Orange Button)

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