Order Shipper Inquiry
Jeremy Johnson avatar
Written by Jeremy Johnson
Updated over a week ago

The Order Shipper Inquiry will enable you to determine how many shipments were sent out, how many times a certain shipper was used or how many packages were shipped within a specific time frame.

This Inquiry will show each order in the ranges selected along with how it shipped. If you enter tracking numbers manually or have the integrated shipping module you can view the tracking numbers. When using UPS Worldship Integration, the Ship Date is filled in automatically. If that is not a field you maintain on orders, the system will only look at the Order Date when selecting Orders.

The Order Shipper Inquiry is in the menu path is below:

Order & Quote Entry System 
Order Reports
Order Shipper Inquiry

First, choose the Beginning and Ending Order Dates, then Beginning and Ending Shipped Dates.

The Tracking Number, Ship Date, Weight, Boxes, Freight Amount and BOL shown on the Order Shipper Inquiry is pulling from the information entered within the Enter & Edit Shipper Information.

Additional fields available for viewing are shown below.

There are several areas within The Business Edge that shipment information can be entered into the system: such as in the allocation screen under Shipper Information,

On the first page while in Enter & Edit Orders

and when you create an invoice.

If you are using the UPS Integration, the shipment information entered into The Business Edge will carry over to order automatically.

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