IMPORTANT - You must be signed up with the appropriate school that has this service and have students attached to your account.
(1) Download ConciergePad Mobile from the Apple App store or Google Play and once downloaded, open it up on your device. You should see a login screen like shown below:
(2) Once you login in with the correct username and password you will be navigated to a screen that is similar to the screen below. Notice the brown Church Checkin button on the screen.
โ(3) Click on the Church Checkin button to locate the check-in interface where you will have to select student(s) for church attendance, scan QR code that will be provided by admin at location and enter in a unique passcode that will also be provided on premise. See example below of screen and the 3 different tasks the user will have to perform. Once you have entered all relevant information you can click on the green Check-in button to complete the attendance process.
(4) If the check-in is successful you will see a black button asking the user to go back to the Students screen. When the app navigates back, you should see a green checkmark icon and green text labeled CHECKED-IN next to each student that was selected for attendance. See screen below.