Setting Up a New Integration Partner
If the vendor you intend to work with isn't already listed, you can set up a new Integration Partner record to invite them to work with Veracross.
Beginning from the Identity & Access Management homepage, click the "Add Integration Partner" link to open a view of your current integration partners. At the bottom, click the "Add New Partner" link to open a blank Integration Partner record.
Alternately, click the Add Record button in the Find OAuth Applications query
Populate the necessary fields on the blank partner record and click "Add New Partner".
Description, Contact Name, and Contact Email are required fields.
Note: Partner records are intended for working with 3rd party vendors. If you are setting up an internal integration just for use at your school, creating a Partner record isn't necessary
After saving the Partner record, click the "Start Integration" link to generate an OAuth Application record for this new partner.
Once on the record, click "Add OAuth Application" to create the record.
At this point, the OAuth Application record has been created for this Integration Partner and the related vendor contact receives an invitation email guiding them through the next steps to access the Veracross Partner portal.
Note: The email received by the vendor contact doesn't contain any credentials or sensitive information. Information on how to use the API (including the OAuth credentials) is only available to the vendor on our Partner Portal, which they can access by following the instructions in the invitation email.
After the OAuth Application record is created, we recommend you set the OAuth Application scopes.
Which scopes are enabled control what data this partner can access through the Veracross API. You will need to work with each partner to determine which scopes they expect to be enabled. Partners can review enabled scopes on their end through the Veracross Partner Portal.
Adding scopes
Please select the scopes that are associated with the integration on the Veracross portal like show above.