Step 1 - Login to the CONCIERGEpad · Mobile app and upon a successful sign-in you should see the screen below. Then click on the Students menu option or on the grad hat tab bar to add school.
Step 2 - If you don't have any students attached to your profile then you should see a screen similar to the one below. To add a school to your account, please click on the + icon on the top right to start process.
Step 3 - You should now see a screen similar to the one below and if you just want to add the school to your profile, please select Add School. If you would like to add the school and student information then select Select Student(s). Please note to add a student you MUST know his or her student ID and date of birth.
Step 4 - Please enter in your school's passcode. The passcode should be provided by the school. Please ask your school admin for passcode information. Once you enter in the code, please click on Add to Profile button to attach school to your account. Also, the school will be notified that you have connected your account to the school successfully.