IMPORTANT - You must have a ConciergePad username and password to sign into this system. Usernames are your company email but please contact a school administrator if you are not sure of your username and password.
1) Login to ConciergePad website:
2) On the Dashboard locate the Events or Event Manager Links
3) Select Create New Event
4) Fill out the event name, description, capacity and date/time for the event. Click Add Event followed by Go To Event Manager.
5) Select the event just created from the Event drop down. The Event Link for the newly created event can be emailed to attendees or placed on your website to collect RSVP's from potential guest.
6) As guests RSVP a downloadable attendee list will display at the bottom of the Event screen.
* All visitors that sign up through the RSVP link are run through the sex offender clearance as part of the RSVP process.