All Florida employees and independent contractors are required to follow School Board Policy 8462 - Student Abuse, Abandonment, and Neglect when there is suspicion or knowledge of student abuse. As a result, Department of Children and Families (DCF) child protective investigators (CPI) may visit a school-site in the course of their investigation of an alleged abuse or neglect case.
Furthermore, all DCF front-line staff who investigates abuse or neglect of children have state issued identification badges and shirts. These credentials identify the employee as an investigator with DCF. Check-In of DCF Investigators Upon Arrival onto the School-Site Campus Since the immediate investigation of child abuse is critical, every effort must be made to prevent delay in verification and expedite the check-in process.
The ConciegePad check-in application now can scan DCF IDs automatically using the iPad ID scanner. The DCF ID looks like the following example below:
ConciergePad has developed the software to read DCF ID cards as part of the new proprietary ID scanner
Press the Sign-in button like illustrated below and then click on Yes option when the system prompts the user: Do you have a U.S. Driver's License, Passport or Form of ID.
After the DCF agent scans their ID, they should select Administration for who they are there to see and Admin Meeting/Principal/VP/AP in the visitor type dropdown. There will be a note popup (optional) after this selection is made in case the school or DCF member would like to add notes to the case and/or check-in
After the check-in is complete the admin team (principal, VP and/or AP) will receive a notification that the DCF agent is there to see him or her in a text message and email. The system will also record that the check-in took place and the notes are also added to the case or check-in. See an example of the Principal notification below.