IMPORTANT => You must have admin rights to create rooms or folders for hall pass
Login to and put in your username and password
Locate Rooms link and click on it. The click on ADD ROOM link like shown below.
Type in the name of the room or teacher name, the room or classroom number and the color you would like the pass to be. You can then configure the time limit and the capacity for the room like shown below. Once you finish with configuration you can click on the CREATE ROOM button at the bottom of the screen.
Once you create a room, you can go back into it and add a teacher or staff members to that room. This will enable notifications to be sent to that person who is attached to that room or classroom. To add a staff member see below. The click the UPDATE ROOM button at the bottom of the screen.
STEP 5 (Adding a room to a folder if necessary)
To add a room to a folder you can click on a folder that has already been setup and then add a Room to that folder like shown below. Then click on the UPDATE FOLDER button at the bottom of the screen.