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View and manage reports

Have your channel set up but don't know how to manage the information you're receiving? Find out here!

Written by Alan Lam
Updated over a week ago

Now that your account is up and running and you have users sending you reports, you might be wondering how you can view the information they want you to know. 

Firstly, if you are a recipient of a channel, you will receive an email when one of your users submits a query. To monitor and respond to these submissions in one area, open the Conexie webpage on your computer and log in. The first screen you will be presented with is your dashboard. On it, you will see your active and archived submissions, and which ones still require action. 

You are able to see at a glance which items still need your attention.

If you click on the the Get Details button, you can open the submission and view the additional information that the user has sent for you to aid in their query (for example: photos, pinned locations, other recipients, or if there is anyone else that is following the report). In the Action Item Activity box you can see who else has seen and taken action on the submission, and therefore if there is a lag in the resolution, who needs to be contacted. In the Recipients / Chat box, you can view who has seen the query and then choose to chat with the recipients as a group, one-on-one, or one-to-a-few as is appropriate to the task.

In this screen you can also reply to the submission and monitor its progress, keeping up to date with actionable items and things which still urgently need to be acknowledged. Once the item has been responded to efficiently and to everybody's satisfaction, you can toggle the Action item Status to the Solved icon, and rest easy knowing you have another happy customer.

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