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Update personal account details

Editing username, changing/adding another email, and changing password

Written by Alan Lam
Updated over a week ago

Conexie's powerful website allows you to build unique structures specific to your business however, firstly we need to cover the basics of editing your username, changing or adding another email, and changing your password.

To edit this information, hover your mouse over your profile picture on the top right hand side of the screen. 

Editing your Name/Username/Email

Select 'View Profile', then enter the required fields and hit 'Update'.

Adding another email

To add another email, scroll down to the 'Add another email address' section and enter the email/s you would like to add as secondary emails to your account and then click update to save your changes. If you would like to add more than one email, simply click the 'plus' icon next to the email section.

Resetting your password

To change your password, select the 'Change Password' tab, enter your old password, then your new one. Confirm, then click 'Save'

Adding and Deleting Users and Controlling Access

This is where you can control who has admin rights over your account and add or delete them accordingly. You can do this on the 'My Access'. Learn how to do this here

Take a tour on how to edit Conexie settings

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