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Keep on track with timer

Learn more about using a timer to keep your team on track.

Jonno Katahanas avatar
Written by Jonno Katahanas
Updated over a week ago

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The timer allows you to set a countdown clock that you and anyone else collaborating in a whiteboard can see.

Things to know:

  • You can only have one active timer per whiteboard.

  • Anyone in the whiteboard can start, stop, pause, or add time to the timer.

  • When the timer reaches the last ten seconds, sound will be played. Confetti will appear when the timer reaches zero.

Start timer

To start a timer:

  1. Select the timer icon in the right side toolbar.

  2. Click into the time input field and type the length of time you want the timer to run for.

  3. Click the start button.

Stop timer

To stop a timer when the timer modal is open:

  1. Click the stop button.

  2. The timer will be stopped for everyone.

Note, if the timer modal is hidden, you will first need to open in by selecting the timer in the top toolbar.

Pause timer

To pause a timer when the timer modal is open:

  1. Click the pause button.

  2. The timer will be paused for everyone.

  3. To resume the timer, click the start button.

Note, if the timer modal is hidden, you will first need to open in by selecting the timer in the top toolbar.

Add time

To add time to a timer that is running:

  1. Click the +1 min button in the timer modal.

Note, if the timer modal is hidden, you will first need to open in by selecting the timer in the top toolbar.

Hide the timer modal

To hide the timer modal:

  1. Click the hide button in the top right corner of the modal.

  2. The timer will hide. The countdown will continue to be displayed in the right side toolbar.

Mute timer sound

You can mute the timer countdown sound that plays for the final ten seconds. Muting the timer will just mute it for yourself.

To mute timer sound:

  1. Click the sound button to mute.

  2. Click the sound button again to unmute.

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