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Use case: Investigating production issues with Copilot’s Farm Briefing
Use case: Investigating production issues with Copilot’s Farm Briefing

Learn how to use the on-demand Farm Briefing to dig into potential issues and spot areas for improvement in specific cow groups or pens.

Updated over 5 months ago

The problem:

Jenna, a dairy cow nutritionist, was preparing for her next visit with her customer at Valley Dairy. Looking at the production data over the previous week, she noticed a significant drop in milk yield and wondered what the issue may be. Jenna has a busy schedule and doesn’t have the time to manually analyze reports from different farm systems and dig through all the data. Instead, she opened the Connecterra Platform and requested a Farm Briefing from Copilot.

The solution:

The briefing not only confirmed the lower yield but highlighted another key issue: the drop happened in a specific pen housing late lactation cows (201-305 DIM). Curious to investigate further, Jenna opened the Milk yield chart per pen and zoomed in on that specific week. Sure enough, the chart confirmed the trend.

Armed with this insight, Jenna sat down with her customer to figure out what had changed before the production dip. Together, they were able to troubleshoot the problem and agree to fine-tune the robot feed table.

The benefits:

The insights Copilot brought together helped Jenna investigate a potential issue without having to browse through multiple systems and reports. With limited time, manually scanning through each group’s data would be unrealistic. The briefing surfaced a crucial trend in a specific pen, helping Jenna to take action and address the issue with her customer quickly.

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