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All about heat stress insights

The heat stress insights benchmark how heavily your herd is impacted by heat stress compared to other farms, showing areas for improvement.

Updated over 7 months ago

Decreased feed intake and production are common patterns in the summer. However, it can be difficult to understand whether the impact of heat on your herd’s performance is within the normal range, or if it may be an area for improvement.

The heat stress insights are generated per calendar year and show how max. THI (Temperature Humidity Index) impacts somatic cell count, milk components and dry matter intake. They also help you understand how strong this impact is by benchmarking your metrics against an average of other farms in the Connecterra Platform.

How to read an insight

The red-to-green bar helps benchmark your farm against other farms in the Connecterra Platform. If your farm is on the greener side of the bar, that means the impact of max THI is lower than on the average farm in the platform. If your farm is on the red side of the bar, the impact is higher than average.

*Note that your farm score on the benchmarking bar is based on the overall trend for the year, not just the difference in average values at a THI of 65 and 75.

Giving feedback

We use your feedback to improve future insights and develop features that are valuable for you. Once you provide feedback on this insight, it will be marked as “Done” and won’t show up on your overview page. You can still see it under “Done” on the Insights page.

How we calculate this

Below the feedback section, you will see a graph visualizing the values of the analyzed metric against Max THI values over the course of a year. Each dot represents a milk delivery. Based on all the dots, our data model generates a best fit line (shown in grey). This line shows the relation between the two metrics. This allows us to calculate averages for a max THI of 65 and of 75 and evaluate the impact of heat stress.

Note that these insights are only available to farms that have feed data and/or processor data integrated.

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