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Viewing or Printing Cadet's Personal Skills Map Reports
Viewing or Printing Cadet's Personal Skills Map Reports

If you need to view or print your cadets Personal Skills Map (PSM) reports, here are the different options available to you.

Updated over a year ago

There are a few different ways to get your cadet's Personal Skills Map reports inside of Conover Online. Your cadets can also download their own report. Here is how that is done:

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Single Cadet Via Reports

To view a report for specific cadet, select Reports.

Choose The Success Profiler.

Use the filters to help you find the specific cadet. If you use the Category filter and select Emotional Intelligence (Personal Skills Map) it will only show you your cadets Personal Skills Map results. This filter can be found when selecting Advanced Filters.

Find the cadet in your list. Select the View Report link to view the cadet's Personal Skills Map.

The cadet's Personal Skills Map results will appear. Use the Print/Download link to download the report.

Single Cadet Via User Dashboard

To view the cadet's Personal Skills Map results via the assignment dashboard, select View Accounts.

Use the features to search and filter out your list to find the cadet you are looking for. Click on the cadets name.

Expand the product by selecting the triangle next to the The Success Profiler. Choose the View Report link next to the Personal Skills Map.

Select the Print/Download PDF link. This will download the file so you can print it out.

Multiple Cadets via Report Generator

If you want to view the Personal Skills Map for multiple cadets, select View Accounts.

Use the options to filter out or search for your users. When you find them, check the box next to their names.

In the toolbar that appears, you have the option to select all accounts or to deselect them. When you have your cadets selected, choose Report Generator.

If you want, you can filter out by date. If you want the most recent Personal Skills Map, leave this blank.

Expand Success Profiler. Choose Select. In the list that appears, check the box next to the Personal Skills Map options.

Choose Generate Report. This will generate your report in the background. You will receive an email when the report is ready.

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