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Why do we lock accounts and how does it work?
In order to prevent unauthorized access to your account, we will lock an account for too many failed login attempts.
If someone tries to log in with 5 times with an incorrect email address and password combination, the account will be locked for 1 hour.
After 1 hour, the person can try logging in again. An email (shown below) will also be sent to the account holder with instructions on how to unlock the account if the person needs to get into the account right away.
Unlock an account immediately
We also allow the System Admin to unlock Administrator and Users accounts. An Administrator can only unlock user accounts. Select View Accounts.
Choose the account type.
Find your account in the list or search for them. Once found, click on the the name.
Select Account Details.
From the Account Details page, scroll down to the Security section. Select the Unlock Account button. This will unlock the account. We also recommend changing the password for this account. That is done on the same screen.
If you are still having issues unlocking an account, please reach out to our support team.