To join the staking program, you must be able to stake a minimum of 250,000 $DAG for the total amount of time of the program - typically 1 month. If the balance of the wallet you stake drops below the minimum $DAG requirement, you will lose rewards for that Soft Node.
To stake your $DAG:
Register for an account on
Stake a wallet with at least 250,000 $DAG during the enrollment period
Maintain the minimum requirement of 250k $DAG in the wallet for the entire month during the staking period
Receive rewards to your wallet
To enroll in a staking program, you must enter within the specified enrollment window.
Once you’ve enrolled, the staking starts for the rest of the month. If you miss the enrollment window, you can’t stake until the next program begins.
You will need to re-stake for every staking period - you are not automatically enrolled.