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Optimizing Your Dashboard
Written by Mel Ness
Updated over 5 months ago

Curious about helpful tips and tricks for optimizing your dashboard? We’ve got you covered with some best practices below!

My Calendar
The parameters you set up and create for your account in this section determine what shows on the booking form when homeowners select their preferred day and time with you!

  • Keep in mind, the more availability you have, the better! Set your calendar up in a way that caters to when most homeowners are available - offer some evenings and weekends if possible! (Remember, you can adjust your parameters by clicking on Availability Settings and Calendar Rules at the bottom of the page)

  • Avoid your calendar getting booked too far out - the further out an appointment books, the higher the cancellation rate - open up more slots if needed, and/or increase the amount of maximum simultaneous appointments via the Calendar Rules link!

  • Need to set up a one-off block? Click on the time you want the block to start, select an end time, and click Yes, block this time slot!

My Profile
Don’t forget to add in a Company Phone number in the field provided in your profile tab so that homeowners have a way to reach you directly about their appointment!

We are currently working on incorporating the other elements under this section into the homeowner's experience when booking, so be sure to update and fill out each field so you're ready to roll when we launch this section to customers! The more homeowners can learn and see about you, the better!

My Service Area
Remember, you’ll receive appointments from all zip codes that are highlighted in purple and included in the list below the map, so make sure to periodically do a sweep of your zips and revise as needed!

  • Low converting areas? Remove those zip codes!

  • Low volume? Try increasing your zips and expanding your service area!

  • Calendar booked too far out? Try removing zips and decreasing your service area!

My Trades
Keep in mind, you’ll receive appointments for any trade you have on in the dashboard, so don’t forget to update if you stop servicing a specific trade by toggling that trade off as a whole, or removing material types or sub-categories by unchecking the checkbox!

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