So - the customer books an appointment, and then when you speak with or meet with them, they communicate that they do not have a date or timeline for moving forward on the project. Now what?
This appointment is not eligible for an appointment credit. Remember, customers will be at all stages of the buying journey. According to our case studies, contractors often win:
1/10 appointments within 2 weeks
2/ 10 appointments within 1 -3 months
1/10 appointments within 6 months
Contractors who win the most jobs on the platform are often providing promotions to incentivize customers to buy now, and are always continuing to follow up with customers to make sure their company is top of mind when the customer is ready to move forward.
If and when the customer does express interest or requests for you to follow up at a future date (e.g., "Please follow up with me on June, 10th after my son's graduation"), the appointment is still considered quality and is not eligible for a credit.
Contact the customer at the future date and time they requested, given they do still want to meet with you, have a need, know your company, have built trust with you, and have communicated a specific day and time at which they'd like to hear from you!
Questions? Reach out to us at