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Managing Budgets + Appointments
Written by Mardie Shanahan
Updated over 5 months ago

Most companies want to monitor or control their weekly budgets and their appointments per week, per month, etc. So, how do we do this through our platform? We keep it simple!

You can control your marketing budget and/or appointments per week/month by pausing the account once you have hit your mark!

You have full control of this through the dashboard pause/unpause button.

To pause, click on the "Account is Active" button at the top, right-hand corner of the screen when logged into the dashboard.

Then you'll see this box pop up, which you'll then select the main reason you're pausing:

Then, type in the required notes so that we have more understanding and can be on the same page! Pretty simple :)

After this, hit "Pause Account," and the system will update your account accordingly. See the screenshot below:

Keep in mind, if you have multiple tabs of the dashboard open at once while you try to pause the account, this can confuse the system, so be sure to only have one tab open!

To unpause the account and resume appointment flow, simply hit the same button at the top, right-hand corner of the screen when logged into your dashboard, follow the prompts, and you're off to the races!

Questions? Reach out to us at!

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