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Best Practices Once An Appointment Is Booked
Best Practices Once An Appointment Is Booked
Written by Mardie Shanahan
Updated over 5 months ago

So, a customer books an appointment to meet with you. What should you do now?

Our service ultimately provides you and your team the opportunity to meet with the homeowner after they choose a specific day and time to meet with your company. From there, it's up to you to follow your sales process from that point on after the customer books their appointment!

Once a customer has booked the appointment:

  • We recommend contacting the homeowner asap (call/text/email) to thank them for booking the appointment with you, and walk through any additional information/details. The faster you reach out, the better!

  • Make sure to confirm that you will be there at the day and time the homeowner selected.

  • Use the Notes column provided for each appointment under the My Appointments tab to keep track of details, who confirmed, etc.

    See screenshot for an example of using the Notes column in your dashboard:

Keep in mind:

  • The customer booked a specific time to meet with you. They know which company should be coming out, and the day and time - this means they are likely expecting you at that appointment, even if they don't respond beforehand!

    If the customer was there waiting for you and they report a no-show when our Quality Support Team gets customer feedback, it is not eligible for appointment credit.

  • All customers are sent an auto-confirmation text right after they book, letting them know that we've sent their preferred day and time over to you, and that your team will be reaching out to confirm. We also give them your number in case they need to reach you directly!

Questions? Don't hesitate to reach out to support with any questions at

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