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Pairing Uptick Properties in Bulk using Excel
Pairing Uptick Properties in Bulk using Excel

πŸ”— Uptick Properties β†’ CONXTD sites 🏒 using Excel

Thomas Swann avatar
Written by Thomas Swann
Updated over 2 months ago

This guide will show you how to pair Uptick Properties to CONXTD sites in bulk, using Excel.

For larger estates, we have a bulk property import method. We can provide you with a sheet of your Uptick Properties and CONXTD sites, and you can use VLOOKUP or XVLOOKUP to pair sites together in bulk.

Export your Properties and Sites

To export your Uptick Properties and CONXTD sites to excel, head to the Property Linking table for Uptick. Once there, click the Bulk button on the top right hand side of the screen.

A modal will appear with a few steps to take. Click both the CONXTD Sites and Uptick Sites buttons - these will download your respective estates into spreadsheets for you to use.

How the pairing works

We pair Uptick Properties to CONXTD Sites by Property ID - this is an ID used in Uptick as a unique identifier for all your properties in the system. We at CONXTD use the Property ID to ensure we are pointing our services to the correct site - we don't want to send an activation summary to the wrong site!

How you match these sites together really comes down to the data you have in both systems. For example, if you have a common Contract Number you store in both Uptick and CONXTD, we'd suggest using VLOOKUP or XVLOOKUP functions in excel to match the data instantly.

The overall goal here is to get your Property ID's and Property Names into the CONXTD template.

Importing the CONXTD template

Make sure you save the CONXTD template - the sheet with both the CONXTD sites, with your matched Property ID's. Then either drag & drop, or search for the file from your PC, in the modal. Click Import to complete.

Pairing 1 Uptick Property to multiple CONXTD Sites

Due to the nature of the integration, you can only pair an Uptick Property to 1 CONXTD site. You may need to consider an alternative configuration for sites with split Intruder and Fire signalling.

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