Slack Setup Help

Guide to setting up slack integration

Phil Hayes avatar
Written by Phil Hayes
Updated over a week ago

Login to CONXTD Management platform at 

Use your existing email address and password you use for or the CONXTD Enterprise app. Still logging in at Chat to us on intercom or email and we'll be able to advise. 

This platform allows CONXTD users to manage various settings linked to their CONXTD account. 

  1. Click App Store and then Setup from the left side bar 

You will be presented with the App Store. We currently have one integration, Slack,  but will be adding more soon. 

2. Click Connect below Slack to start to authentication process. 

You will be taken to the Integration splash page which includes a description of the app and how it works with CONXTD. 

At this point we would advise you have a Slack account with the user details to hand and have a new channel setup which you would like to receive CONXTD events on. 

 3. When ready Click the 'Add to Slack' button. 

You will be redirected to Slack to complete the authentication process. 

You can ignore the yellow banner at the top. We have tested the integration and it is available for customers to use. We are in the process of getting fully approved by Slack to appear within their App Store.

If you are already logged into Slack on the computer it may take you straight to the setup process. If not simply login with your Slack details. 

You will be presented with a page to Authorise the install of the CONXTD app. 

If you have multiple slack workplaces associated to your account, you can select the correct one in the dropdown in the top right or choose to sign in to another workplace. 

4. Chose a channel for CONXTD events to be posted to from the dropdown. 

5. Click Authorise. You will be redirected back to the CONXTD management platform where the Slack Team name and channel selected will be listed. 

To add more channels, simply find the channel in the drop down then click 'Add New Channel' 

The Slack channel is now ready to be used within the notification manager to configure which events will be sent to your Slack Channel. 

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