Register device for notifications
Login to CONXTD
Tap on bell icon in bottom left corner
A box will appear asking you to allow notifications from CONXTD.
Tap 'Allow'
You will receive a notification to confirm device registration has been successful.
Tapping on the bell icon will show 'Device registered'
Configure notifications
Locate the site you want to receive notifications for.
Tap on the bell icon in the top left
Tap 'Add Rule'
Select 'Push' notifications option
Select the 'Chrome Web Push' option from the dropdown
Once you have selected your device, you can choose what events you want to be notified about. Select between some popular examples, fully customise with specific events, or select all events.
Tap Save Rule
You will now start to receive notifications for this site
Repeat 'Configure notifications' process for any other sites you want to receive notifications for