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Getting Started
A helpful step-by-step guide for new users.
11 articles
Camera Management
Manage the cameras connected to your Coram Point.
20 articles
Live Feeds and Recordings
Learn how to view, save, and share your live feeds and recordings.
16 articles
Set up Alerts to detect firearms, people, vehicles, and activity, and send instant notifications.
10 articles
Create report dashboards to uncover patterns and identify trends in your video clips.
6 articles
AI Analytics and Discovery
Information about Coram's powerful AI search and discovery tools.
4 articles
Useful information for integrating third-party hardware with Coram
3 articles
Manage and configure various settings for your Coram account.
9 articles
Troubleshooting & Support
Learn how to fix many common issues.
5 articles
Device Details: Coram Point
Reference information for the Coram Point NVR
7 articles
Device Details: Coram Cameras
Reference information for Coram-branded camera equipment.
1 article
Product Releases
Learn about the latest software updates across the Coram platform.
3 articles