Schedulers Overview

Learn About Expanded, Consolidated, and Instructor Schedulers

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Learn how to open and manage CourtReserve schedulers.

  • Use Cases: System users can open a scheduler to track court bookings and events and perform a number of admin functions (e.g. issue a refund).


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click SCHEDULERS. The folder expands.

  3. Click an option.

Optional views

  • EXPANDED - Shows availability at the court level and displays all details.

  • INSTRUCTOR(S) - Shows instructor schedules. All admins can see these schedulers. Sub-admins can see this information if granted permission (SETTINGS > SYSTEM USERS > Sub-Admins tab).

  • BALL MACHINE(S) - Shows the availability of club resources such as ball machines, hoppers, and other bookable equipment.

  • CONSOLIDATED - Shows a rolled-up view of courts by type. This view is useful for clubs/organizations with many courts because it shows availability without displaying too much detail.

Custom Schedulers

Custom schedulers and private schedulers created by system users also display in the side panel if the Custom Scheduler is set to show on the Admin Panel.

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