Member Penalty Cancellations

Describes how to set up and fix cancellation penalties and what to do when Members reach the limit.

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago

Penalty Cancellations

If you want to set up Penalty Cancellations go to BOOKING SETTINGS - GENERAL

A couple of Settings to consider:

Set up Hours Before a Reservation can be Canceled without Penalty. If a value is set here, such as 1 hour, then any cancellations outside of 1 hour will not result in penalty.

The next setting is how many times you want them to be able to cancel outside of the hours you have set above and then cut off their ability to book. You will have to go in and manually reset this and we will show you how to do that below.

Prevent Member from Cancelling a Reservation within X hours of the upcoming Reservation. This is what controls not allowing a player to cancel a reservation if they are within this hour limit. IE: If set to 24, they would not have a cancel button if inside 24 hours from the start of their reservation.

You can require a reason and show a message to your member trying to cancel outside of the policy you have set. Sample message may be “Please contact the front desk at (phone) because you are trying to cancel outside of the cancellation window.

After a member has cancelled with the X number of Penalty Cancellations you will have to go in and reset the member by logging into that member account and going to the Details tab.

Scroll down and reset the Penalty Cancellations.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH a video on how to work with penalty cancellations.

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