Pending and Processed Refunds

This article goes over how to view, process, and/or reschedule REFUNDS in your CourtReserve system.

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


Refunds Tab

To access the Refunds page in CourtReserve, we'll go to TRANSACTIONS > REFUNDS:

Pending Refunds show 30 days

Pending Refunds are set at a 30 day review but you have the dates bar to review in your timeframe.

Under PENDING REFUNDS tab, any currently pending refunds will appear with the option to ACCEPT, REFUSE, or RESCHEDULE:

If we were to choose RESCHEDULE:

We would be taken to this page:

Here, we have the option to reschedule the member to the cancelled or unregistered event.

Processed Refunds

If you go under PROCESSED REFUNDS, you can see an overview of the processed transactions:

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