Customize your organization
Updated over a week ago

Cozero allows you to set up your organization so that you can create Logs and understand emissions in a way that is most applicable to you.

Setting up Locations

Locations reflect physical or virtual facilities of your business within Cozero. Emissions are calculated at the location level. They allow you to associate emissions to a specific geo-located site or a virtual representation of a site. You can set up locations by taking the following steps:

How to create & edit locations?

  • Step 1: To the left of the Cozero platform dashboard , click on “Organization”

  • Step 2: Click on “Locations”

  • Step 3: Click “+ Create new”

  • Step 4: Define all relevant fields for that location

  • Step 5: Click "Save" to create the location

  • Step 6: To make changes to a location: click on “Edit” on the right of the respective location and make sure to save your changes by clicking “Save” at the bottom

Keep your measurement process as simple as possible by clearly defining the scope. Choose a manageable but representative set of locations to start.

List your products

Products are what you as a company create for your customers. This can be physical products or even services. By adding products to your Log it is possible to identify and evaluate the greenhouse gasses that are produced during all or part of the life cycle of a product. You can set up products by taking the following steps:

How to create & edit Products

  • Step 1: To the left of the Cozero platform dashboard, click on “Organization”

  • Step 2: Click on “Products”

  • Step 3: Click “+ Create new”

  • Step 4: Define all relevant fields for that product

  • Step 5: Click "Save" to create the product

  • Step 6: To make changes to a product: click on “Edit” on the right of the respective product and make sure to save your changes by clicking “Save” at the bottom

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