Bulk import

How to add lots of data at once?

Updated over a week ago

Importing your Activity Data: Step-by-Step Guide

In this article and in this video, we'll guide you through the steps to take to import your activity data.

Video Tutorial

For a visual guide to importing your activity data, please watch the following video:

Step 1: Download the template

First, request the template you need on this page. You can only import data from one category at a time, so you will be prompted to select the category you want to add data for.

Always download a new template before starting instead of reusing an old template. The templates get continuously updated with the most recent methodologies, as well as with the most recent data from your platform.

A link to download the template will be sent to your email address in the next few minutes.

Step 2: Fill in the template

You will add all your data to the 'Log Data Entry' sheet. The other sheets are there to support you and don't need to be changed. Each row in the 'Log Data Entry' sheet will create one log entry. These can be grouped in logs (see below)

  1. In the 'Activity data key' sheet of the import template file, you can find all possible combinations for the selected category. Use the filters on top to easily find those combinations that are relevant to the data you want to import.

  2. Copy paste the row you need from the 'Activity data key' sheet into the 'Log data entry' sheet.

  3. When a cell contains multiple values separated by a comma, select the one that you need and remove the others. This will mainly occur in the 'Unit' columns.

  4. Now, complete the required columns, marked with an asterisk (*)

    1. Location (column B): select the location you want to add the log entry to.

    2. Start date (column C) and End date (column D)

    3. Value(s) (columns L, O, R, U, and X): every value column for which there is a filled-in 'Data type' cell (columns J, M, P, S, and V)

  5. When relevant, fill in optional columns as well

    1. Log group (column A): when adding the same number in this column for several rows, this will group the respective log entries in a single log in your log overview. Make sure to also give these rows the same Location (column B), Start date (column C), and End date (column D).

    2. Log description (column E): this will add a custom description to the log you are creating

    3. Log entry title (column F): this will replace the name of the subcategory shown on the log entry with your custom text.

    4. Where was this data procured from? (column Y): selecting a specific country will make sure a more accurate emission factor will be selected when there is one available.

    5. Product (column Z), Supplier (column AA), and Customer (column AB): select what and to whom you want to link your log entry.

    6. Tags (column AC): add one or multiple, comma-separated tags to your log entry. The tags need to exist already on your platform. You can find the existing ones in the 'Organization data' sheet of the template.

Step 3: Upload the template

Now that your template is filled in, you can upload it to your Cozero platform. Depending on the size of your file, it can take a few moments for the data to show.

Step 4: Correct errors

You'll now be guided to an interface that shows you all the data you are importing. Any remaining errors will be clearly indicated. Click 'Show errors' to filter the rows that contain errors.

Step 5: Submit file

Once all errors are resolved, the 'Submit file' button will become active, and you can submit your data.

After submitting, you'll get an email notification when the import is complete. At this time, all logs and log entries are added to your log overview.

Emission calculations can take a little longer to show. Therefore, it could be that you will see your newly added logs with '0' emissions for some time. Know that the actual emission values will be added later.

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