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How to set the scope of your Carbon Footprint
How to set the scope of your Carbon Footprint

A carbon footprint measures the GHG emissions from all the activities across an organization or for a specific product or service.

Updated over a week ago

What is the carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint measures the GHG emissions from all the activities across an organization or for a specific product or service. On Cozero, we calculate your carbon footprint from the activity data that you enter. When building a log, you first select an emission category.

What are emission categories?

An emission category is an activity of the company (e.g. Travel, Hosting, Heating consumption, Power consumption) for which emissions can be calculated. Emission categories are always associated with a specific emission scope as defined by the GHG protocol.

A log will always be associated to a specific emission category and is based on a data input of an underlying business activity/process that can be provided through different means. After this input is provided, the footprint is directly calculated through our emission calculation algorithms.

Selecting emission categories for your organization

When using Cozero, we recommend that you select the categories that are relevant for your business. Below is general guidance on category applicability.



This category applies:

Scope 1

Facility Fuel Use

When your organization has fuel in their owner or controlled facilities.

Equipement gas leakage

When you have equipment with intentional or unintentional releases (e.g. refrigeration systems).

Company vehicles

When your organization owns vehicles or other sources of mobile combustion.

Scope 2

Purchased electricity

As long as you purchase & use electricity, always included.

Purchased heat, steam & cooling

When your organization purchases any of these, typically through direct line or district energy systems.

Scope 3 - Upstream

Production goods & materials

When your organization procures materials for use in products.

Office goods

When your organization purchases any material for use in offices.

Purchased Services

When your organization purchases any service (e.g. IT, consulting, security).

Capital Goods

If your organization owns large equipment or infrastructure

Purchased Logistics

If you pay third-party logistics services to move purchased goods from your tier 1 suppliers to your facilities.

Operational waste

When you organization disposes of waste

Operational water management

When your organization uses water (that is subsequently treated)

Business Travel

If you organization has business-related travels

Employee Commuting

As long as you have employees they will commute and/or work from home generating emissions

Assets leased from others

If you lease upstream assets and you use an equity share or financial control approach to estimate your scope 1+2 (note: rare situation).

Scope 3 - Downstream

Logistics of sold products

If your sold products are stored and transported to customers (not paid by the reporting company).

Processing of intermediary products

If you sell intermediate products that undergo further processing by any 3rd parties. Fairly uncommon and most applicable to manufacturing companies (e.g., producing plastics resins from raw plastics).

Use of sold products

If you sell products that consume energy directly or indirectly.

End-of-life treatment of sold products

If you sell products that are disposed of after their use phase.

Assets leased to others

If you own and operate any assets that are leased to 3rd parties. Not common: some companies lease a small portion of their owned buildings to other tenants but scope 1 and 2 might be already accounting for it since sub-metering is not prevalent (e.g. REITs).


If you own and operate any franchises. Typical examples include restaurant chains.


If you have investments that generate profit (e.g. equity/debt investments, project finance, equity in other companies including start-ups and joint ventures, governance bonds/T-bills). Targets financial institutions as well as companies with any investment activity.

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