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Share an Estimate

Click the link (above) to learn how to create a version of the current estimate to share with another National Estimator Cloud subscriber.

Bilandra Chase avatar
Written by Bilandra Chase
Updated over a week ago
  1. Open the estimate you want to share. See Open Estimate.

  2. Click the blue icon with three horizontal lines at the upper left to open the Main Menu.

  3. Click File Menu.

  4. Click Share an Estimate.

  5. Click Download.

  6. The estimate will be written to your Downloads folder under the name of the current estimate and will show the date and a file suffix of “.estx”.

  7. To share that estimate with a National Estimator Cloud subscriber, attach that file to an email message or copy the estimate to a removable storage device.


  • Files with a “.estx” suffix are intended for import into National Estimator Cloud only.

  • To download an estimate for use in Word, Excel or in PDF format, use Print.

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